Affordable Housing Financing
Advising Key Players in Affordable Housing Transactions
Starting in the early 1980s, we've represented institutional investors in negotiating the structure, terms, and purchase of housing bond issues across the United States. In 1996 we were appointed as rental development bond counsel for the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency. We've served as the agency's bond counsel ever since ― providing representation in all of its rental development bond offerings.
Share AwardsOur Experience
Served as bond counsel to MassHousing for over 35 years.

In July 2024, Mintz closed a revolving note purchase agreement for MassHousing that allows the agency to borrow up to $100 million in private activity bonds, providing funds to be lent to developers creating low-income housing in the Bay State.
Disclosure Task Force of the National Council of State Housing Agencies
Our Approach
We have extensive experience with a variety of housing financing techniques. We enable our clients to meet their financial goals.
- Single family housing
- Multi-family housing
- Taxable bonds
- Tax-exempt bonds
- Bond counsel
- Underwriter counsel
- ESG, Social, Green and Sustainability bonds
What Our Clients Are Saying
Meet Mintz
Our team has established a network of long-standing client relationships with issuers, underwriters, institutional investors, borrowers and other market participants within the housing arena.
Our Insights

Insolvent “On Behalf Of” Municipal Bond Issuers: Chapter 9, Chapter 11, or Ineligible?
February 26, 2018| Blog|