Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB Win
Key Facts
- Eight accused infringers appealed a PTAB decision supporting our client's patent claims
- Mintz attorneys developed and argued the client's response to the court
- The win supports Straight Path's claims to its innovative technology
- CAFC interpreted key term in patent based on Mintz's argument, resulting in this PTAB win
The Situation
Straight Path IP initiated a series of litigations over three patents in Virginia and Texas, and in the US ITC. This litigation prompted numerous challenges to the patents, and over several years these patents have been intensely scrutinized in IPRs and other patent office proceedings.
The PTAB issued two final decisions that consolidated the 12 IPRs brought by the eight accused infringers. In both decisions, the board applied the Federal Circuit's interpretation of the phrase "is connected to the computer network,” and upheld the validity of every challenged claim that included that limitation. The accused infringers appealed.
The Approach
On appeal, Samsung and the other accused infringers didn't challenge the PTAB’s interpretation of the phrase, "is connected to the computer network,” but instead argued that the board misapplied it. Mintz attorneys Jim Wodarski, Mike Renaud, Mike Newman, and Bill Meunier, assisted by attorneys Sandra Badin and Nick Armington, collaborated to develop Straight Path’s patent litigation strategy, with Jim Wodarski successfully arguing the case before the court.
The Outcome
On June 23, 2017, the Federal Circuit released its decision, disagreeing with the accused infringers and instead affirming that the PTAB properly applied its construction. With this victory, Straight Path will be able to continue to address the industry’s pervasive use of its innovative technology, which facilitates real-time communications between users on the Internet.