Staying True to All-Natural
Key Facts
- Our client's use of "all-natural" was challenged in a false advertising lawsuit
- We have significant experience counseling clients on packaging and labeling law
- An early resolution helped our client avoid costly litigation and potential damage to its brand
The Situation
Our client, a manufacturer of plant-based, non-GMO snacks with the mission of creating healthy snacks that are also good for the environment, found itself the subject of a false advertising lawsuit for product labeling. The suit claimed our client had falsely been using the term “all-natural.” The word natural is fundamental to this client’s brand and ethos.
The Approach
The company needed specific counsel on packaging and labeling law as it pertains to the use of words like “natural,” “all natural,” and “organic.” Our Mintz attorneys have more than 20 years of experience advising food and beverage clients on these and other types of labeling issues.
The Outcome
Because of our deep experience in this area, the Mintz team was able to reach an early resolution before any motions were filed by the parties — helping our client avoid costly litigation and a potential public relations risk.
Supporting Professionals
Attorney Dan Herling and his team have successfully defended clients in suits alleging false or misleading labeling or advertising of foods, cosmetics, over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, and homeopathic products.