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Trade Secret Claims Defeated in Waste Management Technology Dispute

Industry: Technology

Key Facts

  • Mintz defended Recycle Track Systems and RecycleSmart Solutions (RTS against trade secret misappropriation claims under the California Uniform Trade Secret Act (CUTSA) and the Defend Trade Secret Act (DTSA) in the Northern District of California.
  • The lawsuit was filed by former supplier RoadRunner Recycling, Inc., who alleged RTS had misappropriated trade secrets related to waste management sensor technology.
  • Mintz obtained a successful outcome via summary judgment, securing a complete defense victory on behalf of RTS with respect to all trade secret allegations.

The Situation

Recycle Track Systems (RTS) provides waste management brokerage services that optimize trash pickup schedules, reduce waste, and enhance waste diversion for large corporations and municipalities. RTS provides this solution through a combination of proprietary software and hardware technology—namely, its Pello product.RoadRunner Recyling, a former component supplier and partner of RTS, filed a trade secrets lawsuit against RTS in the Northern District of California alleging that technology within RTS’ Pello device was developed as a result of trade secret misappropriation. RoadRunner sought to enjoin RTS from commercializing its Pello product and demanded substantial ‘head-start’ damages as well. The combination of RoadRunner’s requested relief put RTS’ entire business at risk.

The Approach

Mintz was engaged to defend RTS against the trade secret claims brought by RoadRunner. The trade secret allegations were vast and required substantial discovery. Despite an accelerated discovery schedule, Mintz successfully obtained the information it needed and raised a summary judgment motion shortly before trial was scheduled to begin targeting dismissal of all of RoadRunner’s trade secret allegations. 

The Outcome

Mintz won its summary judgment motion and obtained a complete defense victory for RTS with respect to all of RoadRunner’s trade secret misappropriation allegations. Following the summary judgment success, the case was quickly resolved via confidential settlement. Mintz’s strategic defense prevented an adverse impact to RTS’ business and ensured its Pello product remained on the market. 

Supporting Professionals

The Mintz team was led by Members Matthew Galica and James Wodarski and included Member Arameh O’Boyle, Special Counsel Nada Shamonki and Sharon O’Brien, Associates James ThomsonSean CaseyPaul WeinandTianyi TanStephen Chen, and Amy Lobue