Key Facts
- Refinancing of $1 billion + asset-based revolving loan
- Transactions involved tax, ERISA, real estate, and intellectual property issues
The Situation
When a large private national distributor needed to refinance its $1 billion + asset-based revolver (“ABL”), the company relied on Mintz to guide it through the process from start to finish.
The Debt Finance team helped the company understand “what’s market” for a large syndicated ABL deal and handled the negotiation of key business and legal issues, ensuring that deal terms allow the company to continue to thrive and grow.
Diverse company inventory and accounts receivable make up the company's unique borrowing base.
The Approach
Senior Debt Finance attorneys throughout our offices drew on deep experience in asset-based and other debt financing transactions to achieve the results that our client expects. The cross-disciplinary legal team included counsel with significant experience handling debt financings for private companies, including tax, ERISA, real estate, and intellectual property professionals.
Mintz serves as a trusted advisor to private and public companies of all sizes operating in a vast array of industries and markets.
The Outcome
While the deal was arranged by the client’s existing lead bank, with our help, the client was able to achieve results it had not previously considered possible. This debt financing is only one of a series of recent transactions that the firm has handled for this client. Others include real estate loans and transactions, acquisitions, and other debt investments.