Chapter 9 & Municipal Insolvency
- Representation of numerous institutional investors regarding general advice, restructuring, and litigation strategy on various Puerto Rico and related public corporation bond issues, including advising on PROMESA, commonwealth and related fiscal plans, and GO/COFINA litigation.
- Representation of ad hoc water and sewer revenue bondholders in Chapter 9 of Detroit, Michigan proceedings in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
- Representation of holders of Virgin Islands gross receipts and matching fund revenue bonds.
- Representation of the indenture trustee in a multi-year Pennsylvania State Court receivership involving defaulted parking revenue bonds for the Scranton Parking Authority.
- Representation of indenture trustee of approximately $12 million of municipal bonds issued for the benefit of Atoka Medical Center in Oklahoma Chapter 9 proceedings in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma.
- Representation of indenture trustee of approximately $100 million of municipal bonds issued for the benefit of Tulare Medical Center in California Chapter 9 proceedings.
- Representation of indenture trustee for approximately $1 billion of lease revenue and special revenue debt in Chapter 9 filing of Stockton, California in United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California.
- Representation of liquidity provider/bond holders in Chapter 9 of Jefferson County, Alabama in United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Alabama.

Mintz represented bondholders and the trustee of two municipal debt issuances totaling $21 million in a bankruptcy case dispute about the borrower’s attempts to modify the terms of the bonds. Mintz persuaded the borrower to amend its improper proposal — and the bondholders received payment in full.