Risk Management & Compliance
A No-Risk Choice for Your Business
While security may not be your line of business, it is ours. We have the know-how to safeguard your enterprise against external and internal threats and to ensure you're in compliance with the ever-shifting and evolving industry standards.
ShareOur Approach
Our team stays on top of state, federal, and international legislation pertaining to our clients' industries. We focus on keeping clients up to date on both pending and existing legislation as well as what they need to do to ensure compliance.
We regularly share our knowledge through alerts, advisories, and blog posts. Clients depend on us to provide them with updates on what's happening on Capitol Hill and to track the progress of bills in state legislatures. Through our Washington office, we're involved in public policy advocacy in the privacy arena.
We are proud of our professional certifications evidencing subject matter expertise. One of the few law firms to have multiple attorneys with CIPP / US certifications, as well as professionals with Certified Information Privacy Professionals / Europe (CIPP/E), Certified Information Privacy Professionals / Technology (CIPP/T), all issued by the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and a Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISPP) certification granted by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium.
Leading companies regularly engage our team on various data privacy and cybersecurity and technology-related issues.
Our team includes corporate, health, litigation, antitrust, consumer protection, and technology attorneys.
Privacy & Security Matters blog (www.privacyandsecuritymatters.com)
Meet Mintz
Our practice leaders bring substantial global experience in risk management to help clients reduce their risk and minimize liability.
Our Insights

Narrow Ruling for Privacy at SCOTUS in Carpenter
July 3, 2018| Blog|