Another Cop on the Cybersecurity Beat: What to Do Before and After the SEC and FINRA Come Knocking
Date: September 30, 2015
Time: 9:00AM - 10:00AM
Location: Webinar
- Another Cop on the Cybersecurity Beat: What to Do Before and After the SEC and FINRA Come Knocking
This webinar, the eighth in our Privacy series, will address regulatory compliance and risk management aspects of cyber attacks and data breaches at financial institutions and their service providers. Cybersecurity is one of the most significant issues facing the financial services industry — and vendors to financial services customers. Consequences of cyber attacks and data breaches are more costly than ever, and now the SEC and FINRA are conducting cybersecurity examinations. Enforcement actions are likely to follow. Meanwhile, the “fintech” revolution is radically and dramatically transforming how securities, banking, and money services firms collect, retain, protect, and monetize financial consumer data. Join us for guidance on crafting effective cybersecurity programs and insights into areas of likely cybersecurity focus uniquely critical for broker-dealers, investment advisers, and investment companies — intermediary and vendor due diligence, risk assessment, identity theft prevention, Gramm-Leach-Bliley safeguarding of customer information, referral and aggregator arrangements, suspicious activity monitoring, material nonpublic information protection, and front running prevention.
Click here to playback the webinar.
Steve Ganis