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Compliance & Risk Forum

Thomson Reuters


Date: November 1, 2017

Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

Location: Marriott Long Wharf, Boston, MA


  • Unraveling the Hidden Risks Surrounding Sanctioned Entities

Mintz Levin's Steve Ganis spoke as a panelist at Thomson Reuter's Compliance & Risk Forum in Boston on the topic "Unraveling the Hidden Risks Surrounding Sanctioned Entities."

Panel Description

Businesses are realizing that they need to look beyond international sanctions lists to reveal the networks that sit behind their customers and third parties. Hear our experts explore what these hidden risks mean in practice, and how available data and technology can help you cut through the noise and act with confidence in the face of mounting international, regulatory, and reputational risk.

The discussion will include:

  • Impact of recent global events and possible next steps and focus for sanctioning bodies
  • Realities of sanctions related risks in our current geopolitical climate
  • Availability of sanctions related research and data
  • How technology is illuminating a path forward


Steve Ganis

Steve Ganis


Steve Ganis is a government and private-sector lawyer at Mintz. His practice focuses on federal banking, securities, and derivatives laws, and he's recognized for his knowledge of anti-money laundering (AML) and sanctions regulations. Steve represents financial institutions and executives.