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U.S./Canada Cross-Border Energy Trade Summit 2017



Date: March 1, 2017

Time: 8:30AM - 10:00AM

Location: Boston, MA


  • Integrating Markets and Public Policy (“IMAPP”): Evolving Capacity Markets to Incentivize Renewables

NEPOOL initiated a stakeholder process — Integrating Markets and Public Policy (IMAPP) — to identify and explore potential changes in the wholesale power market that could be implemented to advance state public policy objectives in New England.   Some believe evolving wholesale power operations in such a manner would be a better way to achieve clean energy and carbon reduction goals, as opposed to state-mandated, technology specific long-term procurements.   This session will explore various policy and industry perspectives on the IMAPP process, discussing:

  • Introduction and overview of IMAPP process
  • How can capacity markets evolve to incentivize the entry of renewable markets not otherwise triggered by market forces?
  • How can markets give a distinct competitive advantage in both energy and capacity markets, but still maintain competition?
  • What would a forward clean energy capacity market look like?

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David L. O'Connor

David L. O'Connor
