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2019 Energy Law Conference

California Lawyers Association


Date: March 28, 2019

Location: E. Harris State Building, 1515 Clay St., Oakland, CA

California recently passed aggressive plans for its electricity sector, including a 60% renewable portfolio standard by 2030 and a carbon-free grid by 2045. At the same time, a new gubernatorial administration will take the reins to implement these policies. The 2019 Energy Conference, presented by the Environmental Law Section of the California Lawyers Association, will explore these issues and more.

The conference will focus on implementing the landmark clean energy legislation under Senate Bill 100 (de León, 2018), which sets a target of carbon-free electricity by 2045. Mintz is a proud sponsor of this conference, which will address a variety of topics, including policy direction by the Newsom administration, implementation strategies by the regulators and electric utilities, and the logistics and impacts to communities of transitioning to clean energy.

For more information on this event, please click here.