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Arias US: Cutting Edge Issues in Insolvency & Run-off


Date: March 13, 2019

Time: 8:00AM - 7:00PM

Location: 1650 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 & 242 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103

Four panels of experts will address current issues in insolvency and run-off:

- Handling Disputes Before And After Liquidation — Lawyers who have been on both sides of insolvent companies will discuss the special considerations that apply in liquidation;

- Getting the Best Results From Insolvencies and Schemes — a discussion and debate of strategies for cedents and reinsurers when your counterparty is placed into insolvency or schemes;

- Are Run-Off Disputes Different? — should run-off disputes should be considered a unique “species” of arbitration or whether they are no different from any other arbitrated dispute;

- The Connecticut Division Statute and Beyond — A panel of experts will discuss how the recent wave of statutory and regulatory innovations can help companies deal with run-off books of business.  The panel will explore the differences between the various transactions and offer insights into the benefits and potential pitfalls that await insurers and reinsurers as these transactions become more popular.


Marc L. Abrams

Marc L. Abrams


Marc L. Abrams is an esteemed litigator who guides clients through complex insurance, reinsurance, and general commercial dispute matters. Marc represents Mintz clients in court and before US and international arbitration panels. He has extensive experience in recovering funds for his clients.