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LEAD: Women on Boards

Women of Dartmouth


Date: February 7, 2019

Time: 12:30PM - 2:30PM

Location: Mintz, One Financial Center, Boston, MA

Ever thought about joining a board but not sure where to start? Currently serving on a non-profit board and want to also join a for-profit board? On plenty of boards and want to network with fellow Dartmouth women who are also serving on boards?  Women of Dartmouth's "Women on Boards" event will discuss board leadership and how you can have a seat at the table.

The evening’s program will feature of a panel of women with a wide array of board experience and break-out discussion groups. This program will cater to all categories of women interested in learning more, from those just curious about what board leadership entails to those who have extensive board service and everyone along the spectrum. Susan Finegan, an attorney in Mintz's Boston Office, will act as moderator for the event's discussion.


Susan M. Finegan

Susan M. Finegan


Susan M. Finegan is a recognized pro bono pioneer and Chair of Mintz's Pro Bono Committee. She manages pro bono matters for the firm and co-chairs the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission.