Regional Roundtable: Life Reinsurance Arbitration
Association of Life Insurance Counsel
Date: September 24, 2019
Time: 10:30AM - 11:30AM (EST)
Location: Atlanta, GA
Pick a Place: Is Arbitration Still the Preferred Forum for Reinsurance Disputes?
Arbitration and reinsurance disputes have a shared history. The belief used to be that disputes could be resolved in informal ways and in front of experienced industry people who understood the custom and practice of reinsurance. But in recent years, the rationale for resolving arbitration disputes has been strained as arbitration has started to look a lot more like litigation in court. This presentation will ask the broad question of whether arbitration is still the preferred forum for reinsurance disputes for the life industry, while examining the practical concerns that underlie the question - are there enough qualified life arbitrators, is there enough certainty in the process, can costs be contained, and what are the alternatives?