Decision 2020: Post-Election Breakdown
ML Strategies Webinar
Date: November 5, 2020
Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM (EST)
Location: View the Discussion Recording
On Thursday, November 5 – just two days after our historic national election – ML Strategies hosted an in-depth discussion of the presidential and congressional campaigns and results, and how the election outcomes will drive policy changes in 2021 and beyond. Our panelists included Republican presidential candidate Governor William Weld, former New Hampshire Congressman Frank Guinta, and veteran Democratic staffer, Christian Fjeld. Kimberly Atkins, Senior Opinion Writer at The Boston Globe and frequent contributor on MSNBC, moderated the discussion.
Our Insights
William F. Weld
Former Massachusetts Governor, Bill Weld, specializes in government dealings at all levels, and C-suite issues including competition and white collar investigations. Bill has a distinguished career in government and has cultivated relationships with many government officials.
Frank C. Guinta
Frank C. Guinta is Senior Vice President of ML Strategies. He is based in Washington, DC. Before joining the firm, Frank represented New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district in the US House of Representatives.
Christian Tamotsu Fjeld
Christian Tamotsu Fjeld is a Vice President of ML Strategies in the firm’s Washington, DC office. He assists a variety of clients in their interactions with the federal government.

Kimberly Atkins
Senior Opinion Writer | Boston Globe