Impact Investment Strategies for Family Offices in a Post-COVID–19 World
Date: June 11, 2020
Time: 12:00PM (EST)
Location: View the Webinar Recording
Although no industry has been immune to the negative effects of the global coronavirus pandemic, ESG investing based on environmental, social and governance criteria has been a bright spot. Throughout this period of economic turbulence, family offices have continued to invest in for-profit businesses that also focus on generating positive social and environmental impacts. Please join attorneys from the Mintz Energy & Sustainability team and managing directors from across the impact investment space for a virtual roundtable discussion on investment strategies in a post-COVID–19 world, and family offices’ continued interest in mission-driven impact businesses.
The program will cover the following topics:
- Investment strategies family offices are employing during this time of uncertainty
- How family offices expect ESG investing to evolve in the coming months
- How mission-driven impact companies can best appeal to potential family office investors
Attendees are encouraged to submit questions prior to the webinar via this survey, or during the webinar through the chat function.
Paul H. Dickerson
Thomas R. Burton, III

Amy Francetic

Christopher Hunter