Telehealth: What's Next?
Women Business Leaders of the U.S. Health Care Industry Foundation (WBL) Event
Date: December 1, 2020
Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Location: Online Event
Join WBL, Mintz and MDLive for a webinar that will examine how COVID-19 has transformed the delivery of telehealth services in just six months and predict which changes are likely to be permanent. Topics will include:
- Will patients and providers continue to embrace telehealth as states “reopen”?
- Will the commercial payers make permanent the coverage expansion and reimbursement parity adopted during the pandemic?
- How will Congress and state legislatures address telehealth in the Medicare and Medicaid programs post COVID-19?
- Does a national system of provider licensure stand a chance?
- What will happen to the federal and state emergency orders that eased provider licensure privacy and security requirements?
Ellen L. Janos
Ellen was previously a Member in Mintz's Health Law Practice and retired in 2024.
Cassandra L. Paolillo
Cassandra L. Paolillo is Of Counsel at Mintz whose practice involves advising health care clients on transactional and regulatory matters, including mergers and acquisitions, regulatory compliance, and general contracting. Cassie primarily works with providers and payors.


Bobbi McCullough
MDLive|VP of Client Success