ICPHSO 2021 Annual Virtual Meeting and Training Symposium
International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization
Date: February 24, 2021
Time: 9:00AM - 9:30AM (EST)
Location: Virtual Event
Chuck Samuels, Evelyn French, and Shawn Skolky will speak at the ICPHSO 2021 Annual Symposium on the satellite session, "CPSC Under the Biden Administration and Full Democratic Control: What to Expect From the Agency for the Next Four Years and How Regulated Parties Can Prepare." This program will take place on Wednesday, February 24th at 9:00 am ET.
Join us as ICPHSO members and consumer product safety professionals worldwide come together to experience learning and networking in a virtual environment. The four-day Annual Meeting and Training Symposium provides an opportunity for global health and safety professionals to participate in discussions that further enhance the safety of consumer products throughout the world. Symposium speakers and attendees will include global industry leaders from the manufacturing, import and retail sectors; members of the legal community; consumer representatives; trade associations; academia; health and service providers; test labs; recall specialists; and federal, state, and local regulators from around the world.
Charles A. Samuels
