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Understanding ESG

Massachusetts Investor Conference


Date: October 20, 2022

Time: 11:30AM - 12:00PM (EST)

Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Poonam Patidar will be on a panel discussing ESG and municipal bonds. Muni bonds are a natural asset class for ESG investors. The social and environmental outcomes from muni bond financings are often measurable and material. This panel will discuss 3 sides of the municipal ESG story - bond counsel regarding issuer disclosure considerations; a public finance specialist on the marketability of EGS bonds; and an impact investor regarding their thoughts on this asset class.

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Poonam Patidar

Poonam Patidar


Poonam Patidar is a Mintz attorney who counsels governments, quasi-public authorities, institutional investors, indenture trustees, and higher education facilities on securities and tax law matters. She uses her background in finance to help clients achieve their strategic goals.