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Clinically Integrated Networks in a Value-Based Care World and the New Regulatory Landscape: What You Need To Know

Legal and Regulatory Issues for CINs, Organizational Structure, Governance, and More


Date: August 24, 2023

Time: 10:00AM - 11:30AM (EST)

The growing need for value-based care delivery has been driving stakeholders across the healthcare industry to collaborate and transact in innovative ways to manage costs and improve quality and efficiency in healthcare delivery. With the recent proliferation of risk-based payment models and the stressors and resource limitations of provider shortages, providers of all types are exploring options to simultaneously improve quality, lower cost and improve population health. Against the backdrop of new regulations from multiple government agencies, several recent large CIN and ACO transactions provide interesting lessons for providers considering similar collaborations.

Listen as our authoritative panel of experts provides an in-depth discussion of new legal developments affecting CINs and similar structures, how the regulatory questions and answers for these types of physician-alignment structures may differ going forward, and what physicians, hospitals, payors, care navigators and ancillary parties may need to consider when planning participation in a CIN.



Andrea M. Ferrari, JD, MPH

Andrea M. Ferrari, JD, MPH


Principal and General Counsel at Pinnacle Healthcare Consulting
Mark C. Watson

Mark C. Watson


Partner at Hancock Daniel