Medicare Negotiations: Implications to Non-Medicare Plans
Date: September 26, 2024
Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM (EST)
Location: Virtual
Join Mintz and Milliman professionals for a webinar as we provide an overview of CMS’s drug negotiations and the recent announcement of negotiated products for the 2026 Medicare Program. We will discuss the key legal and financial implication and considerations for non-Medicare payers and pharmacies.
CLE credit is pending. Mintz is an authorized provider in New York and California. Upon approval, this program will offer 1.0 Professional Practice credit in New York and 1.0 General credit in California. The credit will be appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys. Those seeking CLE credit in other jurisdictions will receive a uniform certificate of attendance for submission to their respective state bars.
Rachel A. Alexander
Theresa C. Carnegie

Hiram Satterwhite