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Mass. Employers Face New Wage Reporting Rules, Starting This Week

Insights from Member Natalie Groot were featured in a Boston Business Journal article about the Massachusetts pay transparency law. The pay data reporting component of the new law went into effect this week and the pay transparency obligations requiring employers to disclose wage information will come into effect in October 2025.

The article discusses the potential effects of the law, including how employers should consider the impact on current employees who will see the pay range for their roles for the first time. Natalie comments, “The employee impact is crucial. Existing employees, maybe for the first time, are going to see pay scales for jobs they’ve held. Now, all of a sudden, they might ask questions (like), ‘I was in that job for years, and my pay wasn’t in that range. Why aren’t I being paid back? Why am I at the lower end?’”


Boston Business Journal