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Special Report: The 2024 Lab Enforcement Landscape

Health Law Practice Chair Karen Lovitch and Of Counsel Samantha Kingsbury were quoted in a G2 Intelligence special report about the 2024 lab enforcement landscape.

Samantha says, “This year we have seen numerous criminal and civil actions involving individuals and entities associated with labs accused of performing and billing for genetic testing that was medically unnecessary and/or ordered by a provider who never treated or met the patient in whose name the testing was ordered. These cases often include kickback allegations as well.”

Karen commented on the Anti-Kickback Statute saying, “With respect to potential arrangements with third parties, a lab should research those third parties to the greatest extent possible to try and confirm that the company is reputable. With respect to arrangements with referral sources, in particular, a lab should conduct its own compliance review to ensure that the arrangement can be executed in a way that does not create legal or compliance risk.”


G2 Intelligence