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This feature article highlights the arrival of Sean Grygiel, an IP Member in the Mintz New York office. It notes Sean’s experience advising life sciences companies, medical device businesses, financial services and fintech companies throughout the life cycle of intellectual property development.
Aarti Shah, an Intellectual Property Member in the Mintz D.C. office, was quoted in a Law360 article on the decision by the U.S. International Trade Commission that maintained an import ban on products found to infringe patents, even after the PTAB had declared the patents invalid.
Marc Mantell, a Mintz Member, was featured in a Wicked Local Newton article on his participation in the SCORES Cup corporate soccer tournament, which helped to raise $320,000 for America SCORES Boston.
Charles Carey, a Member in the New York Mintz office and an experienced public finance and bond counsel lawyer, was highlighted by Westport News upon his appointment to fill a Representative Town Meeting (RTM) vacancy in Westport, CN.
Alden Bianchi, a Member in Mintz’s Boston office, authored an article in The Practical Lawyer on the evolving regulations placed on workplace wellness programs. Alden cites the impact these programs can have on holding down health care costs for employers.
Kim Marrkand is quoted in a Forbes article on the American Law Institute’s internal fight over the direction of its Restatements, which are distillations of years of case law used by judges as guidance in presiding over future cases.
Press Contact

Liz Bradley

Director of Public Relations and Communications

[email protected]

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