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In this feature article, Brian Lam speaks on the use of data as a competitive tool for companies; he describes data dexterity as a company’s ability to interact with data in a way competitors cannot, and offers thoughts on evaluating and improving a company’s data dexterity.
This article in Home Health Line addresses the task put upon employers to keep foreign or immigrant employees informed about any travel restrictions put in place by President Trump’s administration, as well as advice on how to handle speaking about these issues with their staff.
Member Sue Finegan is among the alumni featured in an article from the February issue of BC Law Magazine focused on the early retaliatory steps and reactions to President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim majority countries.
This column, co-authored by Mintz’s Harold Laidlaw and Gurneet Singh, addresses the problem-solution approach to patent drafting examination in major economies abroad, as well as how recent court decisions encourage U.S. patent prosecutors to adopt similar approaches.
Mintz Member Chuck Samuels comments in this Bloomberg BNA article discussing the potential outcomes for the Consumer Product Safety Commission under new Chairman Ann Marie Buerkle and her role in future enforcement.
This Law360 feature article focuses on the business implications of President Trump’s recently-leaked draft executive order on immigration policies including the H-1B visa program and others.
Press Contact

Liz Bradley

Director of Public Relations and Communications

[email protected]

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