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Mintz Advisory Analyzes the Upcoming Supreme Court Hearing in King v. Burwell

The Supreme Court announced it will be hearing King v. Burwell – a case which could determine the future scope and reach of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – on March 4, 2015.  In light of this announcement, our colleagues, Andrew Shin and Steven Weiner, have issued an Advisory discussing the potential impact of the case as well as steps Congress could take to remediate an adverse decision.

The full Advisory can be read here.  As noted in the Advisory, this decision could have significant and far reaching impacts on the ACA.  A decision adverse to the government could largely gut the ACA in the 34 states that have chosen not to establish their own exchanges.

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Lauren advises pharmacies, PBMs, managed care organizations, and other payors on transactional, regulatory, and fraud and abuse matters, drawing upon her experience working for the Federal Coordinated Health Care Office.
Andrew Shin

Andrew Shin

Stephen M. Weiner

Stephen M. Weiner

Member Emeritus