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Cautious Optimism Persists Around Energy Bill

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee remains optimistic that the bipartisan energy bill will advance potentially as soon as this week after completion of legislation related to GMOs, but more likely following the Senate’s return from next week’s recess.  Before that can occur, comprises must still be reached regarding the Flint water crisis legislation and the amendment expanding offshore drilling revenue sharing.  Additionally, negotiations are also ongoing to reconcile the differences between the House- and Senate-passed Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) reform bills.

On Tuesday the House Budget Committee released its $3.9 billion budget resolution that would rescind unobligated balances from stimulus green energy programs and reduce funding for the Environmental Protection Agency.  Elsewhere, the EPA announced last week its plans to regulate methane emissions from existing sources of oil and gas in order to help the U.S. meet its emission commitments under the Paris climate agreement.  On March 11 the Department of Energy announced $25 million in funding for electric motor research, and the DOE is also proposing new energy efficiency standards for commercial package boilers and ceiling fans.  For more on these developments and the latest from D.C., read this week’s update from ML Strategies.

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David Leiter

David Leiter