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May 2016 101 Guidance from the USPTO

There have been some interesting recent developments, both at the Federal Circuit and the USPTO, regarding subject matter eligibility for patenting as it relates to computer-implemented inventions, software, and other technologies that have been heavily impacted over the past two years by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Alice v. CLS Bank.

For our client alert on May 2016 guidance on patent eligibility for claims that are allegedly directed to abstract ideas, please click here, and to read more about how these subject matter eligibility instructions affect the patents and patent applications that relate to the life sciences, please click here.

For our May 17 blog post on the latest post-Alice guidance from the Federal Circuit, please click here.

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Michael D. Van Loy, PhD, is a Mintz patent attorney and technology protection strategist. Michael works with growing and established companies to create, manage, and improve intellectual property portfolios in the US and abroad. His practice focuses on enforceability and business value.
Yogesh Patel

Yogesh Patel