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Upcoming Event: Greentech Media’s 2nd Annual U.S. Energy Storage Summit

We are thrilled to announce that our very own Sahir Surmeli will be speaking at the second annual U.S. Energy Storage Summit. This unique conference brings together utilities, financiers, regulators, technology innovators, and storage practitioners for two full days of data-intensive presentations, analyst-led panel sessions with industry leaders, and extensive high-level networking. This conference will leave participants with a strong understanding of the business strategies, regulatory circumstances and economic opportunities set to drive continued energy storage market growth.

Mintz Levin is a proud partner of this event. Join us with GTM December 7-8 in San Francisco, CA using our exclusive discount code MINTZ15 for 15% off your conference registration.

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Thomas R. Burton, III

Thomas R. Burton, III

Member / Chair, Energy & Sustainability Practice

Tom Burton has helped to shape the clean energy industry by drawing on his passion for innovation. As a Mintz attorney, Tom counsels investors, entrepreneurs, and Fortune 100 companies. He also guides start-up organizations and accelerators to foster the next generation of energy leaders.