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State of Advanced Energy: Advanced Energy is Strong, but Policy Matters (Part 5 of 5)

Tom Burton, Member of the firm’s Corporate & Securities Section and Founder and Chair of the firm’s Energy Technology Practice, will publish bi-weekly installments providing key takeaways from the four sections of AEE’s webinar including: Industry Growth; Advanced Energy Jobs; Growth Trends; and Policy. This is the fifth and final installment of the series. Click to read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

The final AEE webinar topic highlighted the important role policy plays in driving the advanced energy market. Panelist Malcolm Woolf noted that President Trump’s recent Executive Order overturning the Clean Power Plan conveys how policy can affect the market. While market forces are on the side of advanced energy, there are several policy levers that AEE believes will be significant drivers to future growth. These include:

  • opening wholesale markets to the energy industry;
  • meeting corporate demand for advanced energy;
  • continued evolution of the utility business model;
  • bipartisan opportunities at the state level.

To listen to the full webinar, click here.

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Thomas R. Burton, III

Thomas R. Burton, III

Member / Chair, Energy & Sustainability Practice

Tom Burton has helped to shape the clean energy industry by drawing on his passion for innovation. As a Mintz attorney, Tom counsels investors, entrepreneurs, and Fortune 100 companies. He also guides start-up organizations and accelerators to foster the next generation of energy leaders.