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Senate Confirms Elliot Kaye as Chairman & Joe Mohorovic as Commissioner of the CPSC


Earlier this evening, the U.S. Senate confirmed Elliot Kaye as the new CPSC Chairman and Joe Mohorovic as a new Commissioner of the agency. Once Kaye and Mohorovic are officially sworn in this week, the Commission will be fully constituted with five Commissioners.

Upon the swearing in of Kaye as the CPSC's new Chairman, Acting Chairman Adler will hand the reins of the agency over and resume his duties as Vice Chairman. President Obama renominated Adler to a second term as a CPSC Commissioner in May but his nomination was not considered by the Senate today. It's unclear at this time how the Senate will proceed with his confirmation upon their return from the August recess.

We will be posting additional content regarding the new Commission over the next few weeks. For additional background, please read our previous posts on Chairman Kaye, Commissioner Mohorovic, and the implications of a five member Commission.

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