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Recording Available - May 1 Webinar - A Roadmap for Employers in the Time of COVID-19

Please join us on Friday, May 1 at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT for a webinar as we discuss the roadmap for reopening the workplace. The rapid onset of the coronavirus crisis stripped many employers of the opportunity to prepare an orderly retreat from the physical workplace. Following the government-imposed stay-in-place orders, employers shifted their attention to managing a remote workforce, coping with the financial impacts of the economy’s precipitous closure, and digesting the rapid legislative developments that ensued. While we do not know what the “normal” American workplace will look like exactly during and after the pandemic, employers should plan now for this transformation. 

We will provide guidance on many of the critical issues facing employers and how those legal issues may impact plans to return their workforce to the office – it’s a program that you will not want to miss, so register now. 

This event is intended for HR professionals, in-house counsel, compliance officers and senior executives.

For additional guidance, please refer to our first two posts in our Roadmap for Employers in the Time of COVID-19 Series:


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Jennifer B. Rubin is a Mintz Member who advises clients on employment issues like wage and hour compliance. Her clients range from start-ups to Fortune 50 companies and business executives in the technology, financial services, publishing, professional services, and health care industries.