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US Visa Processing in Turkey Resumes on a Limited Basis; Again, Turkey Responds in Kind

In early October, we reported that US visa processing in Turkey had been suspended amid security concerns, and that the government of Turkey had responded with a suspension of visa processing for US citizens.

As of November 11, 2017, the US Mission to Turkey announced that it has resumed nonimmigrant (temporary) visa processing at posts in Turkey on a limited basis, with a reduced number of visa appointments available. Individuals who have an appointment scheduled for a future date may attend that appointment unless they are notified that the appointment has been cancelled. Appointments cancelled as a result of the earlier suspension may be rescheduled through the online consular appointment system.

Individuals from Turkey who have valid US visas may continue to travel to the United States.

The Turkish Embassy in Washington, DC has also announced the resumption of visa processing for US citizens on a limited basis at its diplomatic and consular missions in the United States.

The information currently available on this situation is quite limited, but Mintz Levin will monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available. In the meantime, please contact your Mintz Levin immigration attorney with any questions.

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Maryanne Kline

Maryanne Kline

Practice Group Associate

Maryanne Kline is a Practice Group Associate at Mintz. Her practice focuses on US federal immigration law, with a concentration on business-based immigration issues. Maryanne counsels clients on issues related to hiring foreign nationals, executives, managers, and other workers.