SEC Adopts Amendments to Financial Disclosure Requirements for Business Acquisitions and Dispositions
On May 21, 2020, the SEC adopted amendments to the financial disclosure requirements for business acquisitions and dispositions by reporting companies and IPO candidates. The amendments take effect on January 1, 2021, but the SEC is permitting voluntary compliance prior to the effective date.
This advisory focuses on the amendments that are of general application, affecting most public companies and IPO candidates. It includes a description of how those rules apply to smaller reporting companies.
The SEC’s amendments include:[1]
- updates to the investment and income portions of the test used to determine the significance of an acquired business to a registrant (which the SEC expects “to reflect more accurately the relative significance to a registrant of [an acquired business] and to reduce anomalous results in the application of the definition of ‘significant subsidiary’”);
- reducing or eliminating in certain cases the financial statements that must currently be provided for an acquired business and allowing additional flexibility in presentation where such financial statements are required;
- replacing the existing pro forma financial adjustment requirements with (i) ”Transaction Accounting Adjustments” reflecting the application of required accounting for the transaction, (ii) ”Autonomous Entity Adjustments” reflecting the financial position and operations of the registrant as an autonomous entity if the registrant was previously part of another entity and (iii) optional “Management’s Adjustments” reflecting reasonably estimable synergies and other transaction effects (which the SEC expects will “improve the content and relevance of [pro forma] information”);
- eliminating exceptions to the general rule that separate acquired business financial statements are no longer required in registration statements and proxy statements once the business has been included in the registrant’s post-acquisition financial statements for a complete fiscal year; and
- conforming changes to requirements for smaller reporting companies.
The SEC also adopted amendments specific to reporting for real estate operations, investment companies, oil and gas producing entities, and foreign private issuers and foreign businesses. Those rules are not addressed in this advisory.
The following tables compare the SEC’s amended rules to the current requirements, summarizing the changes generally applicable to public companies and IPO candidates:
Significance Tests:
Historical Financial Statement Requirements:
Pro Forma Financial Statement Requirements:
Registration Statement and Proxy Statement Requirements:
- Expanded Ability to Omit Historical Financial Statements for Acquired Businesses Previously Included in Registrant’s Financial Statements
- Exception When Aggregate Effect of Individually Insignificant Acquisitions Exceeds 50%: Expanded Aggregate Pro Forma Requirement and Elimination of Separate Financial Statements for Businesses Not Above 20% Significance
Smaller Reporting Company Requirements:
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Significance Tests: Updated Investment Test and Income Test [2] | |
Overview: | |
Current | Amended |
Investment test:
| Investment test:
Income test:
| Income test:
Asset test:
| Asset test:
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Historical Financial Statement Requirements: Reduced Requirements at Certain Significance Thresholds [5] | ||
Significance Test Results for Acquired Business | Current | Amended |
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Historical Financial Statement Requirements: Use of Pro Forma Financial Information to Measure Significance in More Cases [6] | |
Current | Amended |
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Historical Financial Statement Requirements: Abbreviated Presentation for Certain Acquired Assets Constituting a Business [7] | |
Current | Amended |
(i) The type of omitted expenses and the reason(s) why they are excluded from the financial statements; (ii) An explanation of the impracticability of preparing financial statements that include the omitted expenses; (iii) A description of how the financial statements presented are not indicative of the financial condition or results of operations of the acquired business going forward because of the omitted expenses; and (iv) Information about the business’s operating, investing, and financing cash flows, to the extent available.” |
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Pro Forma Financial Statement Requirements: Significance Threshold for Dispositions Increased to Match Acquisition Threshold [8] | |
Current | Amended |
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Pro Forma Financial Statement Requirements: Adjustments Presented [9] | |
Current | Amended |
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Registration Statement and Proxy Statement Requirements: Expanded Ability to Omit Historical Financial Statements for Acquired Businesses Previously Included in Registrant’s Financial Statements [11] | |
Current | Amended |
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Registration Statement and Proxy Statement Requirements: Exception When Aggregate Effect of Individually Insignificant Acquisitions Exceeds 50%: Expanded Aggregate Pro Forma Requirement and Elimination of Separate Financial Statements for Businesses Not Above 20% Significance [13] | |
Current | Amended |
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Smaller Reporting Company Requirements: Smaller Reporting Company Form and Content for Financial Statements [14] | |
Current | Amended |
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Mintz attorneys are available to help you address any questions you may have regarding these rule changes. Please contact any member of the Mintz Securities & Capital Markets Practice, the Mintz lawyer with whom you usually work, or the authors.
1 Securities and Exchange Commission Final Rule, Release No. 33-10786, Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses, May 21, 2020 (the “SEC Release”). The SEC’s amendments include updates to the significance tests in Rule 1-02(w) of Regulation S-X, the historical financial statement requirements for businesses acquired or to be acquired in Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X, the pro forma financial statement requirements in Article 11 of Regulation S-X and conforming changes to Article 8 of Regulation S-X applicable to smaller reporting companies, as well as revisions to related rules and forms. The amendments were initially proposed by the SEC on May 3, 2019: Securities and Exchange Commission Proposed Rule, Release No. 33-10635, Amendments to Financial Disclosures About Acquired and Disposed Businesses, May 3, 2019 (the “SEC Proposed Rule Release”).
2 SEC Release, 13-14, 19, 21-22, 24-25, 28, 31-32; Reg. S-X, Rule 1-02(w)(2) .
3 U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“U.S. GAAP”).
4 International Financial Reporting Standards issued by International Accounting Standards Board (“IFRS-IASB”).
5 SEC Release, 36-38 and Note 92; Reg. S-X, Rule 3-05(b)(2)(i)-(iv) .
6 SEC Release, 72-75 and Note 195; SEC Proposed Rule Release, 52-53; Reg. S-X, Rule 3-05(b)(3) .
7 SEC Release, 38-39, 42-44 and Note 94; Reg. S-X, Rules 3-05(a)(2) and 11-01(d).
8 SEC Release, 7-8, 118.
9 SEC Release, 102-103, 107-109, 111-113, 115-117 and Note 286; Reg. S-X, Rules 11-01(a)(7) and 11-02(b)(6).
10 Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”).
11 SEC Release, 51, 66, 69-70 and Note 132; SEC Proposed Rule Release, 49; Reg. S-X, Rule 3-05(b)(4)(iii) .
12 Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”).
13 SEC Release, 9, 75-76, 79-80 and Notes 20, 203, 214; Reg. S-X, Rules 3-05(b)(2)(i) and 3-05(b)(4)(i).
14 SEC Release, 63-66, 122-123; SEC Proposed Rule Release, 44-45, 89-92.