Mintz's Toronto office ("Mintz" or the "Firm") is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible environment for all of the Mintz team, clients and visitors, and will provide accommodation where required, in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the "Act").
Under the AODA, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (the "IASR"), establishes standards to address barriers that people with disabilities face in the areas of information and communications, employment, transportation and the design of public spaces. The purpose of this policy is to outline responsibilities under the AODA and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. Policy The Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy is designed to ensure that the firm is accessible to all those who work at the firm and clients and visitors in a way that respects dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity. Mintz is committed to preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting the requirements under the AODA in a timely manner.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Mintz has adopted a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan that outlines the steps Mintz has taken and will take to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility. The plan is available on Mintz internal intranet and the external website, and will be provided in an accessible format, upon request. Mintz will review and update the plan every 5 years, or sooner if required by law.
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
The availability of accessible formats and communication supports is set out on Mintz's public website.
Requests for accessible formats and communication supports can be made to the Director of Administration, Toronto. Upon receipt of a request, Mintz will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with a disability. Such formats and supports will be provided in a timely manner that takes into account the individual's accessibility needs due to disability and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons. Mintz will consult with the individual making the request to determine the suitability of a particular accessible format or communication support.
In the event that an accessible format or communication support is found to be not feasible, Mintz will provide written reasons explaining this finding.
Websites and Web Content
Mintz is working toward reaching compliance with WCAG 2.0, Level AA protocols per the provisions of the AODA and as is required by the IASR. The firm expects to reach compliance by December 31, 2025.
Emergency Response
Mintz's emergency response procedures can be found on MintzPort. Mintz will provide, upon request, all existing emergency procedures, plans and public safety information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, in a timely manner, on request.
Mintz provides accessibility training in various formats to all Workers, all persons who participate in developing Mintz's policies, and all other persons who provide goods, services, or facilities on behalf of Mintz. Such training is provided prior to a person's commencement of duties for Mintz and on an ongoing basis thereafter, including whenever changes are made to this Policy or any other accessibility-related policies, practices, or procedures of Mintz.
Procurement or Acquisition of Goods, Services, and Facilities
Mintz incorporates accessibility criteria and features when procuring or acquiring goods, services, and facilities, including self-service kiosks, except where it is not practicable to do so. If Mintz determines that it is not practical to incorporate a particular accessibility criterion or feature when procuring or acquiring goods, Mintz will provide an explanation for this determination upon request.
Design of Public Spaces
When building or making major modifications to public spaces, Mintz will commit to meeting the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces, including any requirements regarding preventative and emergency maintenance of the accessible elements in public spaces. Employment Mintz is committed to accessibility and inclusivity in its hiring and employment practices. It demonstrates its commitment by:
Accessibility during Recruitment
During any recruitment process, Mintz will advise applicants of the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities. If an applicant requests accommodation during the recruitment process, Mintz will consult with the applicant and arrange for the provision of suitable accommodation in a manner that takes into account the applicant's accessibility needs due to disability.
Accessibility during Employment
Mintz will inform all Mintz employees and Partners about Mintz's disability-related policies, including policies that provide for job accommodations due to disability. If a Worker with a disability requests for job-related information or information that is generally available in the workplace to be provided in an accessible format or with communication supports, Mintz will consult with the requesting Worker on how to best meet their needs. Where necessary, Mintz will develop individualized emergency response plans for Workers with disabilities, as well as information to assist such Workers during an emergency or evacuation.
Development of Individual Accommodation Plans for Employees with Disabilities
In compliance with the AODA, Mintz has implemented a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities.
If an employee is absent from work due to disability and requires accommodation consideration in order to return to work, Mintz will work with a third party adjudicator, where suitable and necessary, to develop an individual accommodation plan for that employee.
Please refer to the Individual Accommodation and Return to Work Policy for more information.
Review and Modifications to this Policy
Mintz is committed to developing policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. All policies and procedures will be developed or updated in such a manner as to respect and promote the dignity and independence of Mintz's clients and other persons with disabilities.
Documentation to Be Made Available
All Partners and employees of Mintz will be provided with a copy of this Policy. This Policy, or the information contained in this Policy, can be provided in an accessible format or with communication supports upon request.
Requests for Information and Responding to Feedback
If you wish to request information in an accessible format, or if you wish to provide feedback on Mintz's accessibility measures or this feedback process itself, please contact the Senior Manager of Administration, Toronto:
- Kelly Hoeve, Senior Manager of Administration
- Phone: 1.647.499.2611
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: Attn: Kelly Hoeve, 200 Bay Street, Suite 2800, Toronto, ON, MSJ 2J3
Such feedback will be addressed according to Mintz's regular complaint management procedures. All feedback will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken to address any complaints as soon as practicable, generally within 7 days.
Mintz's feedback process can be provided in an accessible format or with communications supports upon request.