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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Of Counsel Michelle Capezza was quoted by Fiduciary News in an article about how Congress is working to extend tax cuts. This is causing uncertainty about whether Congress might offset this by cutting back on retirement plan contribution limits. 

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Luis F. Torres has joined as a Member of Mintz’s Energy & Sustainability Practice in the firm’s Washington, DC and New York offices. An accomplished project finance lawyer, Luis’s practice focuses on the structuring, development, and financing of energy, transport, telecommunications, and other infrastructure projects in the United States, Latin America, and other jurisdictions around the globe. 

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ESG Co-chair Jennifer Rubin published an article in Directors & Boards on how directors can navigate DEI efforts among a rapidly evolving landscape. She argues that in order to provide solid strategic guidance to management, boards must first understand the legal framework and data related to the company's DEI efforts.

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Mintz represented Quorum Cyber Security, a platform company of Charlesbank Capital Partners, in its acquisition of Kivu Consulting, Inc., a global cybersecurity firm specializing in Incident Response.

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Mintz represented Granata Bio Corporation (Granata Bio), a biopharma company focused on invigorating the $3.6B global infertility medication market, in its $15M Series A+ funding round. 

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Member Jacob Hupart spoke with Responsible Investor about recent ESG-related developments, including a settlement over disclosures around the integration of ESG considerations and Mark Uyeda’s role as the Acting Chairman of the SEC while President Trump's nominee Paul Atkins is in the approval process. 

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