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Gilbert A. Samberg

Member Emeritus


Gilbert Samberg retired from Mintz in 2021. He was previously a Member in Mintz’s Litigation Practice.


“Class arbitration” -- the utilization of a class action mechanism in an arbitration proceeding -- is considered by some to be the unicorn of ADR; desirable but elusive. Another view is that it is the Frankenstein’s monster of ADR – an anomalous hybrid of disparate parts that comprise a disconcerting and ultimately nonviable creation.
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A Federal court in New York recently opened the door there for U.S.-style discovery of evidence in aid of foreign or international commercial arbitrations, in accordance with a unique American statute – 28 United States Code (“U.S.C.”) § 1782.
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Relevant codified procedural rules with respect to the use of experts in international arbitration are scarce, and the parties and the arbitrators therefore get to create the pertinent rules of the road in each individual proceeding.
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In this article – “Pros and Cons of Hot Tubbing in International Arbitration” – we describe the nature of “concurrent evidence” or “witness conferencing” of experts (i.e., hot tubbing) in international arbitration, and the pros and the cons of employing such a procedure. 
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In “Arbitration Agreements – Incorporation by Reference of an Arbitration Clause in in Another Document is a Simple Matter . . . Isn’t It?”,  we describe how the simple incorporation by reference of a provision in another document becomes a bit less simple when a Federal District Court says that something more is required – i.e., express notice that the other document contains an arbitration agreement among other provisions. 
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In this article – “Drafting Sensible and Effective Multi-Step ADR Provisions” – we provide practical advice regarding factors to be accommodated in fashioning multi-step ADR provisions that are (1) useful and (2) likely to be enforced by the courts.
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An expert witness obviously should be thoroughly prepared to give oral testimony in an adversarial proceeding, and frankly that can best be done by counsel. Is that always permitted in international arbitrations? 
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In international arbitrations, litigators from the U.S. often find a bit of the familiar mixed in with equal or greater bits of the unfamiliar. One of the elements of international arbitration that is typically unfamiliar to U.S. litigators is the phenomenon of Tribunal-appointed experts in lieu of party-appointed experts.
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In international arbitrations, litigators from the U.S. often find a bit of the familiar mixed in with equal or greater bits of the unfamiliar. (Whether they acknowledge or treat the latter as such, alas, varies by practitioner.) For example, expert witnesses may be appointed (a) by the respective parties (“Party-appointed” experts), (b) by the arbitral panel (“Tribunal-appointed” experts), or (c) with input from each.
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Drafting an arbitration clause for your agreement is a straightforward matter most of the time. Sometimes it can be as simple as incorporating by reference an arbitration provision in another document or agreement. Easy peasy. Or is it?
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News & Press

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In an article published by Law360, Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg offered insights on why the U.S. Supreme Court might take up a case that arguably presents the issue of whether parties that have incorporated certain arbitral rules into their contracts have “clearly and unmistakably” agreed that an arbitrator, rather than a court, shall determine whether a matter must be arbitrated or litigated.
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In an article published by Legal Era Magazine [India], Mintz Member Gil Samberg provided insight into the increasingly popular U.S. federal statute concerning cross-border judicial assistance, 28 U.S.C. § 1782, and described a recent Second Circuit decision that expanded the reach of this discovery mechanism to evidence held outside the borders of the United States.
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Mintz Member Gilbert A. Samberg authored two articles, published recently by Bloomberg Law, that addressed a fundamental question concerning the legal viability of “class arbitration”: whether an arbitrator can issue an award that binds a person who is not a party to or otherwise deemed by law bound by the bilateral arbitration agreement upon which the arbitral proceeding and the arbitrator’s authority are founded—e.g., a non-appearing non-party putative class member.
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Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg authored this expert analysis article published by Law360 evaluating a federal statute concerning cross-border judicial assistance, Title 28, Section 1782 of the U.S. Code, which enables a district court to order a person that resides or is found within its jurisdiction to produce evidence for use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal.
Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg authored an article published in the September 2019 edition of The Arbitrator, a quarterly newsletter from the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, which explained the significance of a “reasoned award” in arbitration agreements.
In this Law360 expert analysis column, Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg examines the principal details of the Singapore Convention, which aims to make mediated international settlement agreements as easily enforceable as international arbitration awards now are under the New York Convention.
The Journal of Consumer & Commercial Law republished a blog post authored by Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg that addressed interim measure awards in arbitration.
Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg authored an expert analysis article published by Law360 that examined competing legal factors facing insurance arbitration disputes.
Mintz Member Gilbert Samberg has authored this article addressing jury demand concerning issues under the FAA relating to arbitrability.
Gil Samberg, a New York-based Mintz litigator, authored this Law360 "Expert Analysis" column discussing new rules from the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center which provide noteworthy institutional means for joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings so as to effectuate collective or opt-in class arbitration proceedings.

New York Litigation Member Gil Samberg authored this Law360 column taking an in-depth look at whether the Eleventh Circuit’s recent decision in JPay v. Kobel correctly addressed the issue of “clear and unmistakable” consent when it comes to the delegation of class arbitrability. Gil further addresses another issue relating to the decision with respect to many class arbitration-related matters
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This Law360 Expert Analysis column, authored by New York Litigation Member Gil Samberg, notes that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide next term whether an arbitration agreement that says nothing about class arbitration can be interpreted to constitute consent by the parties. Gil’s column states that it is currently unclear if the Supreme Court will specify who can actually decide that question.
This feature article discusses U.S. Supreme Court nominee D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh's track record on international arbitration. New York Litigation Member Gil Samberg is among those sources quoted in the piece.
Validity, enforceability and scope of an arbitration agreement are "gateway" arbitration issues that can be delegated to an arbitrator if the agreement clearly and unmistakably indicates the parties’ intention to do so. New York Litigation Member Gil Samberg authored this “Expert Analysis” column discussing the questions that arise when one of the named arbitration parties is not a signatory of the agreement.
This column is authored by New York Litigation Member Gil Samberg. In the piece Gil discusses why parties should consider incentivizing an adversary with a “sealed settlement offer,” which could eventually make a settlement offeree pay a heavy price in such costs for miscalculation or intransigence.
Gil Samberg, a Member in Mintz’s New York office, published an article in Law360 on February 15th on the recent efforts made by Second Circuit courts to begin grappling with issues surrounding the viability of class arbitration in U.S. jurisprudence, something the Supreme Court has yet to do.
Gil Samberg, a Member of the Litigation Practice in Mintz’s New York office, authored an article on how the “hot-tubbing” of experts – “a procedure for the contemporaneous presentation of competing expert oral testimony” – is now a fairly standard consideration in arbitrations.
Gil Samberg, a Member of the Litigation Practice in Mintz’s New York office, authored a Law360 article in conjunction with a recent series of questions asking whether class arbitration is ultimately viable in U.S. court proceedings.
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Gil Samberg, a Member of the Litigation Practice in Mintz’s New York office, authored a Law360 article as part of a series asking whether ‘class arbitration’ is ultimately viable, an issue that has yet to be addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
This article notes that it's common for consumer and employment contracts to have arbitration clauses that require any dispute to be resolved in binding arbitration. It further discusses how not all such clauses explicitly ban arbitration on a classwide basis.
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Mintz Litigation Member Gilbert Samberg authors this column asking the question if “class arbitration” is viable given the essential nature of arbitration, or is it an oxymoron.
New York Litigation Member Gil Samberg discusses the applications and ramifications of 28 USC § 1782 after a decision in Second Circuit Courts, holding that the London Maritime Arbitration Association is a “foreign tribunal” within that law.
Gil Samberg, a Mintz Member, authored an article in Corporate Counsel discussing the complexity of acquiring expert evidence in arbitration disputes. Gil addresses how one must plan accordingly for that expense and difficulty.
Gil Samberg, a Member of Mintz's Litigation Practice, published an article in Law360 providing “practical advice regarding factors to be accommodated in fashioning multistep alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provisions.”
Gil Samberg, a Member of the Mintz Litigation Practice, authored an article in Law360 discussing “hot-tubbing” – a procedure for the joint presentation of expert testimony. Gil weighs in on the pros and cons of this procedure in international arbitrations.
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Events & Speaking

Gilbert A. Samberg

Member Emeritus