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An article published by Inside EPA quoted Mintz Member and Chair of the firm’s Environmental Law Practice Jeff Porter on potential new legal barriers to environmentalists demonstrating standing to bring citizen suits under environmental laws, particularly under a Supreme Court with a new conservative majority.
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The Deal’s “Deal Doctors” column highlighted the arrival of seasoned restructuring lawyers Nathan Coco and Megan Preusker as Members in Mintz’s Bankruptcy & Restructuring Practice. The column detailed some of Mr. Coco and Ms. Preusker’s high-profile and recent client representations, as well as an overview of their respective practices.
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The Bond Buyer featured the arrival of seasoned restructuring lawyers Nathan Coco and Megan Preusker as Members in Mintz’s Bankruptcy & Restructuring Practice. The article detailed some of Mr. Coco and Ms. Preusker’s high-profile and recent client representations, as well as an overview of their respective practices. The article also quoted Mintz Managing Member Bob Bodian on Mr. Coco and Ms. Presuker’s reputation and quality of work.
Press Contact

Liz Bradley

Director of Public Relations and Communications

[email protected]

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