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In this article, authors Bruce Sokler and Farrah Short discuss a long-running anti-trust case, the Eleventh Circuit recently denied defendant Blue Cross Blue Shield’s interlocutory appeal of the district court’s ruling that certain allegedly restrictive practices of defendants must be analyzed under the per se standard rather than the more lenient rule of reason standard.

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This American Lawyer feature article highlights the arrival of Loretta Shaw-Lorello, an investment funds and private equity Member.
Though merger reviewers at the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are back at work after the 30+ day government shutdown, antitrust experts note that backlog and the possibility of another shutdown are significantly impacting the certainty merging parties rely on. Mintz Member Rob Kidwell is among the industry sources quoted.

In this op-ed for the Albany Times Union, Mintz Member Jason P.W. Halperin discusses voting reform efforts in New York state and the need to take those efforts one step further to include automatic voter registration.
This Bloomberg “Insight” column, authored by Mintz’s Joshua Briones and Nicole Ozeran, discusses a recent Ninth Circuit ruling in an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit and what companies can learn from this in terms of their own websites.
Press Contact

Liz Bradley

Director of Public Relations and Communications

[email protected]

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