b'R. Robert PopeoChairman, Trailblazer, Friend When I think about Bob,He wanted to know about you. He made you feel likeBob Popeo 19382023walked tall I think about someonepart of a family. He truly cared about everyone: no matter and understoodwho was an incrediblywhat your position in the firm, he made you feel important. humanity likeaccomplished lawyer, andEMILY PAONEno other. an even more incredibleMintz Assistantperson. WILLIAM BOTTINGMintz employee and EpiqSUSAN FINEGANNational Site Manager Mintz Member and Pro BonoCommittee ChairAn ancient adage ofHe was extraordinary. indeterminate origin says,We miss him. Blessed is he who plantsMIYOKO SATOBeyond the practice of law, at which he had no peer, Mintz Member and Chairtrees under whose shadeBankruptcy, Health Law, Public Finance, he had a real feel for the people of the City of Boston. he will never sit. OurReal Estate, and TechComm DivisionBILL WELD dear friend Bob planted ML Strategies Principal, Mintz Member, and former Massachusetts Governor many proverbial trees and nurtured the seeds of generations to comeHis favorite line to through his kindness and prospective clients was, We were all lucky to work with Bob and callopen-handed giving. What issue keeps you up him our leader, colleague, supporter, and, PAUL BURTONat night?.Ron Burton Training Villagemost importantly, our friend. Nobody Vice President, Development and Media PETER ZLOTNICKdid more for Mintz and cared more Morrit Hock & Hamroff LLP Partnerfor the people who worked at Mintzthan Bob. He will be missed butnever forgotten. Those who touch our lives, stay in our hearts forever.KURT STEINKRAUSSMintz Member and Chair, Closely Held BusinessLINDA WYROSTEKPractice; Co-chair, Private Equity Practice Mintz Senior Executive Coordinator15'