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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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ML Strategies has added veteran policy advisor Constance Garner as Vice President for Disability Policy & Education Policy. Ms. Garner draws on decades of legislative, health care, government agency, and consulting work.
Andrew Skale, a San Diego-based Member, and Associates Eric Eastham and Richard Maidman authored a Bloomberg Law article discussing what patent holders and accused infringers need to know about equitable estoppel defense.
Mintz is proud to announce that the firm’s Health Law Practice has been recognized by the BTI Industry Power Rankings 2017. The report names the firm as “A Leading Core Firm” in the health care industry.
Mintz Boston Member Jeff Robbins was quoted in this article on a family court case involving a woman who failed to appear in court due to a medical emergency and posted a video of herself performing in a harp recital the next day.
Matthew Howsare, a Mintz Member and Co-chair of the firm’s Consumer Product Safety Practice, is quoted in a CPG Matters article on the benefits of the increasingly prominent role direct notification will play in mandated recalls involving government agencies.
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Bill Meunier, an Intellectual Property Member in the Boston office, was quoted in a Law360 article emphasizing the importance of knowing and adhering to best practices for America Invents Act reviews at the PTAB.

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