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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Joseph R. Dunn, a Member of the Bankruptcy & Restructuring Practice at Mintz, has been named a “Top 40 Under 40” business professional by the San Diego Daily Transcript. The Top 40 Under 40 honors “top young professionals” who they believe are “helping shape San Diego’s future.”
Mintz announced that it's extending its lease at the firm’s headquarters – One Financial Center in Boston – through June 30, 2034. The firm has signed a letter of intent, with the terms of a new, 15-year lease stipulating significant renovations and improvements.
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Mintz IP attorneys Michael Renaud, Michael Newman, James Wodarski, and Sandra Badin are among industry sources in this article assessing a Texas ruling that "asserted claims of patent covering medical technology are invalid as abstract and not inventive" under Alice Corp v. CLS Bank International. 
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This Boston Business Journal feature article highlights Mintz’s intellectual property team in Boston. The piece notes that while other law firms move away from patent prosecution work, Mintz has continued to excel in that area and expand the team as well.
Mintz announced a victory before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The court affirmed an Eastern District of Texas ruling from May 2016 that held unpatentable a medical records patent asserted by Preservation Wellness against NextGen Healthcare.
Members Jennifer Rubin and Cynthia Larose are among those interviewed in this article discussing the legality of employers’ monitoring data systems and employee digital activity, making sure that they comply with consent and other requirements when setting up programs.

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