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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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William “Mo” Cowan

November 25, 2016

Michael Arnold, a Mintz Employment, Labor & Benefits Member, was quoted in this Society for Human Resource Management article on the U.S. District Court for the Easter District of Texas’s temporary decision to place a nationwide hold on the overtime rule.
Bruce Sokler, the Chair of Mintz’s Antitrust Practice, was quoted in a Managed Care Magazine article discussing how a court ruling to block a merger between two Pennsylvania health systems could lead to stronger resistance from and greater success for the FTC in future health care system mergers.
Susan Cohen, Member and Chair of Mintz’s Immigration Practice, is quoted in this Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor Report article on what the future holds for employment-based immigration under President-Elect Trump’s administration.

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