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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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This article notes that Europe’s privacy regulators are backing the new EU-U.S. Privacy Shield data transfer deal. Authorities, according to the article, qualified that while they still carry some concerns about the framework, they will not challenge the Shield further for at least one year.
This article notes the reaction to a report, "Reexamining the Tax Exemption of Municipal Bond Interest," issued by the Tax Foundation. It's noted that advocates for maintaining the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds are objecting to the report.
Member Joshua Briones and Associate Esteban Morales authored this National Law Journal article on the reality of automated vehicles or self-driving cars expectation that product liability and privacy cottage industries will develop to respond to malfunctioning autonomous technology in the future.  
Member and Chair of Mintz’s Immigration Practice Susan Cohen is quoted in this Law360 article covering three different government agencies’ announcements to increase penalties and fees related to immigration.
Mintz Member Chuck Samuels is quoted in this Bloomberg BNA Product Safety & Liability Reporter article on how the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s latest civil penalties statement regarding reporting violations demonstrates that the majority in the CPSC will likely not change their approach.
Karen Lovitch, the leader of Mintz’s Health Law practice, and Kate Stewart, Mintz Health Law Associate, authored this Bloomberg Medicare Report article on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ issuing of the Final Rule.

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