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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Larry Freedman, a Mintz Member, is quoted in this BNA’s Health Care Daily Report article on the final rule as it applies to Medicare overpayments, stating providers will “be responsible for reporting and returning all overpayments identified within six years of when the overpayment was received.”
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Environmental Law Member Susan Phillips authored this Law360 column on the role sufficient environmental due diligence can and should play in real estate transactions.
Mintz Member Chuck Samuels is quoted in this BNA’s Product Safety & Liability Reporter article on the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s budget, including its calls for nanotechnology and import safety investments.
Member Larry Freedman is quoted in this BNA’s Health Care Policy Report article discussing the Obama administration’s proposed fiscal year 2017 budget, which would include a fund for the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account.
Mintz Members Bill Meunier and Mike Newman are mentioned in this Law360 article on a challenge to the Federal Circuit’s revival of a Straight Path IP Group patent brought to the Patent Trial and Appeals Board by LG, Hulu, and others.
Chair of Mintz’s Antitrust Practice Bruce Sokler and Farrah Short, Antitrust Special Counsel, authored this Law360 column on a legal battle between two rodeo associations.

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