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Laurence J. Freedman




Larry has a deep understanding of what drives government enforcement actions, and how to defend against them, in the health care and life sciences industries. As a trial lawyer and then official in the Civil Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, he litigated and supervised hundreds of False Claims Act and qui tam cases nationally. In his litigation practice, Larry has successfully represented hospitals and health care systems, laboratories, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, and health care executives against fraud and abuse allegations and investigations brought by federal and state agencies. He is consistently recognized among the nation’s leading health care defense attorneys.

Larry’s health care and life sciences litigation practice focuses on defending clients against allegations and investigations of fraud and abuse involving governmental programs. He is highly experienced in representing clients against actions brought by federal and state agencies including the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (HHS OIG), the United States Attorneys’ Offices, and state OIGs and Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCUs).

Larry’s practice is based on his 34-years of experience handling complex civil litigation, often in the context of parallel proceedings, and achieving global resolutions. In addition to enforcement defense, Larry counsels clients through internal investigations, corporate compliance, investor due diligence reviews, and health care bankruptcies involving governmental liabilities. His clients include hospitals and health systems, dialysis providers, clinical laboratories, medical equipment companies, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, and health care executives.

Prior to private practice, Larry served as an Assistant Director with the Civil Fraud Section of the DOJ and focused solely on the False Claims Act and its qui tam provisions. At DOJ he supervised hundreds of qui tam cases filed in US district courts throughout the country, was part of the leadership team for the pharmaceutical enforcement initiative, and managed high-profile actions often involving multiple US Attorneys’ Offices and federal agencies.

Prior to his position as Assistant Director, Larry served with the Civil Fraud Section as a trial attorney focused on health care fraud and defense procurement. He co-led the notable investigation and prosecution of national independent clinical laboratories known as “Operation LABSCAM.” For his achievements, Larry was highly-recognized by the Attorney General with the Department’s highest and second highest awards, as well as multiple awards from the HHS OIG and the MFCUs.

Following law school, Larry served as a law clerk for the Honorable Richard Cardamone of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Larry has a deep understanding of what drives government enforcement actions, and how to defend against them, in the health care and life sciences industries. As a trial lawyer and then official in the Civil Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, he litigated and supervised hundreds of False Claims Act and qui tam cases nationally. In his litigation practice, Larry has successfully represented hospitals and health care systems, laboratories, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, and health care executives against fraud and abuse allegations and investigations brought by federal and state agencies. He is consistently recognized among the nation’s leading health care defense attorneys.



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Larry has a deep understanding of what drives government enforcement actions, and how to defend against them, in the health care and life sciences industries. As a trial lawyer and then official in the Civil Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, he litigated and supervised hundreds of False Claims Act and qui tam cases nationally. In his litigation practice, Larry has successfully represented hospitals and health care systems, laboratories, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, and health care executives against fraud and abuse allegations and investigations brought by federal and state agencies. He is consistently recognized among the nation’s leading health care defense attorneys.

Recognition & Awards

Larry has a deep understanding of what drives government enforcement actions, and how to defend against them, in the health care and life sciences industries. As a trial lawyer and then official in the Civil Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, he litigated and supervised hundreds of False Claims Act and qui tam cases nationally. In his litigation practice, Larry has successfully represented hospitals and health care systems, laboratories, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, and health care executives against fraud and abuse allegations and investigations brought by federal and state agencies. He is consistently recognized among the nation’s leading health care defense attorneys.
