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Pamela Polevoy

Special Counsel

[email protected]



Pamela specializes in multifaceted transactions across a variety of industries. As transaction counsel and advisor, she provides counseling and advice to clients on all aspects of their transactions, understanding their day-to-day businesses and guiding them through the deal process. Pamela garners broad institutional knowledge of her clients and their goals, which she considers essential to providing the best legal advice and counsel.

Pamela’s work comprises private company mergers and acquisitions, including health care companies. Pamela has extensive experience guiding health care providers with developing and engaging in arrangements to support their businesses and achieve their business objectives. Through buy-side and sell-side acquisitions, joint ventures, affiliations, and other collaborations, Pamela guides health care providers to navigate transactions from the negotiation stage to completion. She takes pride in working with clients and counterparties to pursue arrangements that will result in improved care for their patients.

Pamela’s transactional experience spans across a wide range of businesses, including private equity, dental, veterinary, ambulatory surgery centers, radiology, dialysis services, pharmacy benefit management contracting and micro-hospitals.  


Governor Kathy Hochul released the proposed Fiscal Year 2026 New York State Executive Budget on January 21, 2025 (FY 26 Executive Budget). The FY 26 Executive Budget contains an amendment to Article 45-A of New York’s Public Health Law (hereinafter, the Disclosure of Material Transactions Law), which has been in effect since August 1, 2023. The law currently requires parties to a “material transaction” to provide 30 days pre-closing as well as post-closing notice to the New York State Department of Health (DOH). Since the law has taken effect, DOH has received notice of 9 material transactions, the details of which are listed on its website. If enacted, the amendment will change the reporting parties’ notice requirement, extend waiting periods, and increase DOH’s oversight of material health care transactions.

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The PBM Policy and Legislative Update — Winter 2025 edition builds upon prior PBM Policy and Legislative Updates and summarizes activity from October through December (2024) that affects the PBM industry. It highlights (i) federal activities, (ii) state activities, and (iii) other noteworthy events and trends affecting the PBM industry.

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Effective immediately, on August 22, 2024, the Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) adopted revisions to the cost and market impact review (CMIR) regulations (Revised Regulations), which govern California’s pre-closing health care transaction review process. As discussed in our prior post, certain health care entities must provide OHCA with notice of a transaction at least 90 days prior to closing. The Revised Regulations, among other things: (1) expand who must file a notice; (2) narrow the applicability of the health care professional shortage area threshold; (3) clarify calculation of California-derived revenue; (4) clarify confidentiality of expedited review request documents; and (5) add a required attestation.

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On March 13, 2024, Indiana joined the ranks of states exercising greater oversight and regulation of health care transactions.  Senate Enrolled Act No. 9 (S.B. 9), which takes effect on July 1, 2024, requires written notice to the Indiana Attorney General (the AG) 90 days in advance of an acquisition or merger involving an Indiana “health care entity” that results in a change of control.  The law does not grant the AG authority to approve or deny a transaction, but the AG may evaluate any antitrust concerns and issue a civil investigative demand for additional information. 

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On March 1, 2024, New Mexico joined a growing number of states in enacting legislation that increases oversight of certain health care transactions. Senate Bill 15 (S.B. 15), which adds a new section to the New Mexico Insurance Code (the Code) titled the “Health Care Consolidation Oversight Act” (the Act), takes effect on May 1, 2024.

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California’s new Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) is set to begin advance regulatory review of certain health care transactions beginning January 1, 2024. As further explained in our previous post, subject to certain exceptions, a broad range of health care entities (collectively, Health Care Entities) will soon be subject to potential prospective transaction review. OHCA initially published proposed regulations for the new transaction review process in early August (for more details, see our prior post and podcast).  As further discussed in our previous post, these proposed regulations were revised in October and made available on the OHCA website, with a comment period that ended on October 17, 2023. In response to October’s public comments, OHCA has further revised the proposed regulations (Revised Regulations), which are available here. This time however, OHCA has also provided notice of proposed emergency regulatory action, indicating that this version of the regulations will be submitted to the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for approval. Once submitted, the public will have five days to provide comments to the OAL. If the OAL approves the regulations, it will file them with the California Secretary of State and the regulations will become effective as emergency regulations for five years as of the filing date. During this period, OHCA will proceed with regular rulemaking action addressing prospective health care transaction review.

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On May 3, 2023, New York joined Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and California in enacting legislation that increases oversight over certain health care transactions. Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Fiscal Year 2024 New York State Executive Budget (FY 24 Executive Budget) into law which enacted the final version of Article 45-A of the New York Public Health Law (PHL) titled “Disclosure of Material Transactions.” The law takes effect on August 1, 2023.

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On March 22, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued updated guidance for home dialysis services performed in a skilled nursing facility or nursing home (the Updated Guidance). CMS first issued guidance addressing home dialysis services provided to nursing home residents on April 17, 2018 (the Original Guidance). The Updated Guidance incorporates responses to comments, questions, and feedback received during the ensuing five years from state survey agencies, dialysis providers, and other stakeholders, and current models of home dialysis care of a nursing home resident.

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On February 1, 2023, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced the Fiscal Year 2024 New York State Executive Budget (the Executive Budget). One component of the Executive Budget’s Health and Mental Hygiene Article VII Legislation is a proposal to require certain “health care entities” to obtain approval from the New York State Department of Health (DOH) prior to consummating a material transaction.

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Deal structure is the foundation of a health care transaction. This post offers practical tips and hypothetical case studies for laying the groundwork for a successful health care transaction.

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Host Of Counsel Bridgette Keller invites the Mintz Health Law team to reflect on what they’re grateful for as they prepare for the year ahead. Hear from a dynamic group of Members, Of Counsel, and Associates as they share their perspectives on what’s coming up over the horizon.

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In this episode of the Health Law Diagnosed podcast, members of the Mintz Health Law team discuss their health law–focused 2022 New Year’s resolutions and how they’re helping clients and colleagues navigate the continued challenges and opportunities of the current era.
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  • Member, American Health Lawyers Association
  • Member, American Bar Association
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