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COVID-19 Viewpoints

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Lobbying and Public Policy Viewpoints Thumbnail
On Wednesday, key Members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), urging the Commission “to take immediate action to protect consumers from price gouging during this [COVID-19] declared public emergency.”  The letter was sent to FTC Chairman Joseph Simons from the chairs of the committees and subcommittees with jurisdiction over the FTC:
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Bankruptcy & Restructuring Viewpoints Thumbnail

Congress Acts to Mitigate COVID-19 Impact

March 18, 2020 | Blog | By Anthony DeMaio, William Kannel

Below is an update on legislative efforts by Congress and the White House to address the coronavirus pandemic, prepared by our D.C. colleagues at ML Strategies, who are closely following these fluid and fast-moving developments. Efforts to provide a supply of low cost working capital to the many businesses and entities experiencing operational and/or cash flow disruption may be of particular interest to our bondholder clients.
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Insurance and Financial Services Thumbnail

Regulatory Update for NFA and FINRA Member Firms — COVID-19

March 18, 2020 | Alert | By Therese Doherty, Kara M. Cormier, Jason Burrell

This alert from the Mintz Financial Services Practice reviews the recent relief and guidance provided for NFA and FINRA member firms related to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Viewpoint Thumbnail

Employer Guidance: Home Office Employment for Foreign Workers

March 18, 2020 | Advisory | By William Coffman, John Quill

This alert reviews worksite and Notice requirements for foreign workers and how employers can ensure compliance as employees work remotely during the coronavirus pandemic.
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Health Care Viewpoints Thumbnail
Telehealth is going to play a critical role in the delivery of care in the coming weeks and months as health care providers respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the CDC and other public health agencies continue to recommend social distancing and self-quarantine after exposure, telehealth is a vital tool for getting both sick and healthy individuals access to health care services they need if in-person services are not necessary. The use of telehealth services should help alleviate the ever-growing pressures on health care systems as they respond to the outbreak.  In light of these benefits, the Emergency Appropriations Bill passed by Congress last week includes provisions that allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to lift certain restrictions that are currently required for Medicare  reimbursement of telehealth services. 
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Lobbying and Public Policy Viewpoints Thumbnail

Update from Washington – Coronavirus Response

March 17, 2020 | Advisory | By Alexander Hecht, Anthony DeMaio

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Congress and President Trump have taken the following actions:
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Viewpoint Thumbnail
This advisory from the Mintz Government Law Practice outlines the details of Governor Baker’s March 15, 2020 executive orders aimed at reducing exposure to COVID-19.
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Securities & Capital Markets Viewpoints Thumbnail
This article reviews guidance issued Friday, March 13, 2020 by the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance to help public companies manage their upcoming annual meeting processes in light of COVID-19.
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Lobbying and Public Policy Viewpoints Thumbnail

Federal Response to COVID-19

March 16, 2020 | Alert | By Alexander Hecht, Frank C. Guinta, Christian Tamotsu Fjeld, R. Neal Martin, Anthony DeMaio

Read about the federal government’s response to COVID-19, including $8B in emergency funding and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act pending in the House.
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Viewpoint Thumbnail

Governor Baker Issues Executive Order to Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Exposure at Public Meetings

March 16, 2020 | Advisory | By Kelly Frey, Elissa Flynn-Poppey

As part of the Commonwealth’s extensive response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Charlie Baker has temporarily suspended certain requirements of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law in hopes of reducing the public’s risk of exposure at public meetings. This alert reviews the details of the Governor’s Executive Order, which takes steps to preserve the public’s rights to participate in meetings held by public bodies.
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Immigration Viewpoint Thumbnail
This article provides details about the coronavirus-related UK travel ban, which includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
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Lobbying and Public Policy Viewpoints Thumbnail

Massachusetts COVID-19 Update

March 16, 2020 | Blog | By Steven Baddour, Daniel Connelly, Caitlin Beresin, Kaitlyn Sprague, Taylor Shepherd

The Baker Administration continues to monitor the COVID-19 public health crisis, expanding almost daily on restrictions for schools, restaurants and several other places of business across the Commonwealth.  As these updates are constantly evolving, this post is meant to provide the most up to date announcements.
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Complex Commercial Litigation Viewpoints Thumbnail

What the COVID-19 Pandemic Means for Force Majeure Provisions

March 13, 2020 | Alert | By Samuel M. Tony Starr, Kaitlyn C. Leonard, Clare Prober

Read about what the World Health Organization’s declaration that COVID-19 is a pandemic means for force majeure provisions in contracts.
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Privacy & Thumbnail Viewpoints Thumbnail

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Managing Cyber Security Risks of Remote Work

March 13, 2020 | Blog | By Christopher Buontempo, Cynthia Larose

With cases of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) emerging in nearly every state, many businesses are taking swift action in an effort to curb its spread.  Teleworking, “remote working,” or simply “working from home,” is a centerpiece of those efforts. While remote working arrangements may be effective to slow the community spread of COVID-19 from person to person, they present cybersecurity challenges that can be different than on-premise work. 
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Health Care Viewpoints Thumbnail

Telemedicine and the Coronavirus Outbreak

March 13, 2020 | Video | By Ellen Janos

Ellen Janos discusses the role telemedicine is expected to play in the management of the coronavirus outbreak as well as the Emergency Appropriations Bill passed Congress which contains provisions intended to loosen the restrictions on Medicare reimbursement for telehealth services.
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Employment, Labor, and Benefits Viewpoints Thumbnail
In our recent blog posts, we discussed the impact coronavirus / COVID-19 is having on the workforce, and what employers should or should not be doing in response to the outbreak.  On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization’s (“WHO”) declared the coronavirus outbreak is a “pandemic.”
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Immigration Viewpoint Thumbnail

United States Bans Travelers from Europe

March 12, 2020 | Alert | By Susan Cohen

This article provides details on the travel ban announced by President Trump on March 11, 2020 in his speech regarding the coronavirus.
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Lobbying and Public Policy Viewpoints Thumbnail

COVID-19 Legislative Update - What Will Happen Between Now and July 31, 2020?

March 12, 2020 | Blog | By Steven Baddour, Daniel Connelly, Kaitlyn Sprague, Caitlin Beresin, Taylor Shepherd

As the nation continues to address the spread of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”), several precautionary efforts are being taken to ensure citizens remain safe and reduce the prevalence of transmission to vulnerable individuals across the country.  As the Legislature and Executive Branch aggressively focus on COVID-19 related issues, your ML Strategies team will continue to monitor and engage state and local leaders on legislative and regulatory priorities by keeping lines of communication open on a daily basis with legislators and staff.
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Coronavirus Molecule

Coronavirus Also Impacts Employee Mental Health

March 12, 2020 | Blog | By Jennifer Rubin

The CDC and other governmental agencies have been critical in guiding employers with recommended protocols for the physical health and safety of employees and other individuals in our workplaces. While an employee’s physical well-being is important, employers should not overlook the mental health issues impacting employees in connection with their response to the coronavirus pandemic in the workplace.
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Employment, Labor, and Benefits Viewpoints Thumbnail

Teleworking and the COVID-19 Outbreak

March 12, 2020 | Blog | By Corbin Carter

One of the most pressing questions presented by the COVID-19 coronavirus is how companies can balance employees’ health and wellbeing (including both virus-related symptoms and associated anxieties) with the business’s operating needs. Although not a cure-all, the implementation of teleworking (i.e. remote working) is one way that certain equipped companies can keep their employees (and those they interact with) safe, without significantly impacting business operations. In this post, we highlight the benefits of teleworking, where possible, and suggest best practices for employers looking to institute temporary teleworking arrangements.
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