Meet our retired Members, whose many contributions were integral to the firm’s continued success and innovative culture.

Members Emeriti

Ingrid Beattie

Susan Berson

Joel R. Bloom

Joe Blute

William C. Brashares

Betsy Burnett
Ralph Campillo

Charles Carey

Maryann Civitello

Ralph Child

Susan J. Cohen

Tom Crane

Steve Curley

John Delehanty

Meryl Epstein

Robert M. Gault

David Gilbert

Joe Hameline

Ellen L. Janos

Patti Kantor

Richard Kelly

Bill Kezer

Jon Kravetz

Stephen MacDonald

Francis Meaney

Rich Moche

Mary Lee Moore

Marilyn Newman

David O'Connor

Susan Phillips

Frederick Pittaro

John Robert Regier

Paul Ricotta

Mark Robinson

Gilbert Samberg

Andrew Urban

Greg Sandomirsky

Maxwell D. Solet

Stephen Weiner