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Susan Berson and Brent Henry Recognized as Health Care Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

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Mintz's Corbin Carter spoke to SHRM regarding the estimation that a third of businesses still require employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.

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Managing Member Bob Bodian spoke to The American Lawyer about whether AmLaw firms were giving staff the day off to vote in the midterm elections.

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Mintz Member Jacob Hupart spoke to Agenda about the continued push for Scope 3 greenhouse gas emission disclosure requirements as part of the SEC's proposed Climate Rule, despite ongoing pushback from corporates and a potential changeover in Congress.

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Susan Cohen, Member and Founding Chair of the Mintz’s Immigration Practice, joined Ralph Nader as a guest on Ralph Nader Radio Hour to discuss her experience representing asylum seekers and refugees as chronicled in her book Journey From There to Here: Stories of Immigrant Trials, Triumphs and Contributions.

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Mintz is pleased to announce that it has won the Innovation In Diversity and Inclusion award at the California Law Awards. The award recognizes firms that are making meaningful impact and seeing concrete results in the legal community.

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